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Career-Long Focus on Family Law 

Over twenty years ago, Germaine J. Tanner began visiting inmates at jails in Harris County, Texas. The visits were on behalf of the Fatherhood Project through the Office of the Attorney General. She learned two things: Inmates who were fathers needed better legal advice so they could maintain relationships with their children, and she discovered she had a passion for helping families understand and navigate the legal system. 


That experience, while still a law student, set the course for Tanner’s successful career in family law.


Tanner established her law office with a concentration in family law in 2003. She handled a wide range of family law issues including divorce with emphasis on complex property issues, child custody, child support, post-divorce modifications and enforcements, family law-related appeals, and mediations.

Tanner allowed for her experience and compassion for others to speak for itself and ultimately, Tanner was elected as the Presiding Judge of the 311th District Court on November 6, 2018 and was sworn in on January 1, 2019. Since her election, Judge Tanner has provided FREE Brown Bag CLE seminars for practicing attorneys out of the 311th District Court. Additionally, Judge Tanner has given numerous presentations at continuing legal education seminars for attorneys and paralegals in the area of Family Law, through various organizations.


Judge Tanner is a single mother of 1 daughter, Gabrielle.  Judge Tanner received her undergraduate degree in Political Science from the University of Illinois-Champaign/Urbana and her law degree from Thurgood Marshall School of Law.  Judge Tanner is a member of several legal and community service organizations. When not working, Judge Tanner enjoys spending time with her daughter, cooking, gardening, and giving back to her community.  


Your support for Judge Tanner is appreciated, as she seeks reelection to the 311th District Court. 


Early vote October 24-November 4, 2022



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Germaine Tanner Campaign

           P.O. Box 691612

     Houston, Texas 77269

Pol Ad Paid for by Germaine Tanner Campaign, Sudy Samandari,  Treasurer

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